Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo Survey

1. Favorite hobby?


2. Favorite tv show?
Ace of Cakes.

3. Favorite restaurant food?
Golden Corral by Bravo Six Niner Delta.
Since I can't decide what my favorite restaurant food is, I'm putting my favorite restaurant on instead. :) Golden Corral.

4. Favorite thing to shop for?
Ballet flat fetish by <span class=
Converse by Mr.<span class=
Shoes. I don't do it much, but it's my favorite.

5. Favorite animal?
Elephants, chimps, and giraffes.

6. Favorite song?

BarlowGirl Beautiful Ending

7. Favorite word?
Do You Believe by <span class=

8. Recent favorite youtube video?

Tim Hawkins... FUNNY, FUNNY!

9. Favorite movie?
I love, love, LOVE VeggieTales! Lost in Austen

10. Favorite childhood memory?
Going to Disney World for the first time! :)

This was fun. Well, bye!!!:)

Photos from Yahoo Images, Videos from YouTube